Chris Jones Excelling Despite trying to Learn Three Defenses in First Season Patriots Rookie Mid Post this:Share on squidoo(Opens in new window case)Click to share with you on Twitter(Opens in new home eyeport)Click to share with you on WhatsApp(Opens in new truck’s pickup truck’s windshield)Click to share with you on Reddit(Opens in new time frame)Click to mailbox(Opens in new screen) FOXBORO, Mass fast. It tough to look through better story this season than Patriots rookie defensive tackleChris Jones Bowling Green product was drafted by the Texans in the sixth round of the NFL draft. He faced some steep competing firms at his position and was cut on Aug James White jersey. 31 when Houston to be able to keep players at his position likeTerrell McClainandTim Jamisoninstead. (The Texans decision-making to cut Jones looks worse since three rookies were cut for breaking team rules Jefferson, Cierre WoodsandSam Montgomery.) The Patriots experimented with claim Jones on Sept. 1, But the Buccaneers had a higher waiver claim important agenda. The 23 years old rookie was waived just 10 days later on Sept. 10. Houston had a change of heart and attemptedto claim him, But an obscure NFL rule definitely avoided them from doing so. New the uk got Jones. The Texans and Buccaneers not to mention other NFL are looking pretty dumb right now. Jones has played five games with New the uk and has five sacks. He went from being inactive in his first two weeks to the c’s to a near every down starter the last three weeks jimmy garoppolo jersey. Now posting Week 9 of the NFL season, We at the midway point. That seemed like a good enough time to meet up with this year rookie crop to see how they adjusting to life with the Patriots. See what Jones had mention below. Who have you looked to as the brother on this team that you can go up to and ask any question you will likely have? Joe Jones: There a lot of guys we have. Undoubtedly Vince and TK are big brothers to me. Even Joe does help me out a lot. Joe deal smart guy. He understands anyone defense. He reduced the problem out a lot. I look to all of us, Wherever I can get critical ideas. Even guide[Meat] Graham or fitness instructor[Costs] Belichick, Whoever I can get facts from, I go towards. What been the hardest realignment you had to make? CJ: I think it just getting at ease the defense. Just playing in three so many quite a few defenses, Figuring out how this, Getting every calling connecting down. I gotten a lot better throughout the weeks and I a lot much convenient with it now. I on track and on page with all the others. What been more beneficial or easier about the pro game over the faculty game? CJ: I say more beneficial is that I have more time to address my body. In class, You for my family, You come out of practice and go instantly to class until 5 or 6. You certainly get back, It’s good to do homework and all this other stuff, Study film sooner or later in time. You know the school thing. This site, We definitely have more time to do what amazing do to prepare ourselves for each week. Do you think there a big change from a smaller school or a bigger school? CJ: I think there for sure a bit of a talent swing I guess you would say There will improve players that make it to the NFL. Whichever conference you come from, You gonna be combating much better players. You take the talented from college and bring them up. It a quite different coming from Bowling Green. I gonna say the MAC is great rivals. UMass, I think they be creating an upswing here soon. Signing up, They just gotta get the masai have a great coach, They have already great players now, It just they end up making a rise when they get more at ease with I know they made the jump from 1 AA up. It always tough in which first couple years. I think just having with it, Its competitors is great. The talent is among the biggest thing. Has the season seemed to go by fast for you or a slower? CJ: It genuinely been pretty quick. To be honest, It been quickly. Truly, Doing ninth week. I took part in five games, Taking six. It just crazy to trust I been here for that long. Looks like I was just here yesterday, Just arriving into your carry-on, Arriving at the hotel. It only just lately already fun, Unfortunately. I think they say time marches on when you having fun. I enjoying yourselves, So time will by just as fast.